The stats are in!
Claire Alexandra, at 15 months old, weighs 24lbs, 6oz. She is 30in tall! This is a 4lbs, 2 in difference since her birthday, April 1! The kid doesn't starve. We just had an appointment to keep up her shot record. We were not thrilled to learn that they wanted to give her four in one day. Next time, we will put our foot down on that one (reference blog post above this).
We waited an hour to see a different doctor because Claire's regular doctor was out on holiday already. Before the shots, this doc handed Claire an open lollipop and crammed it in her mouth. I think her daddy and I were a bit taken a back. We thought she was a bit young. I don't know, if it was an over reaction or not. I just know we'd rather be asked first. However, we did take pics, since she'd never had a lollipop before. They are adorable.
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