Adventures in Mommyhood

How I learned to stop worrying and enjoy life.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Year's Resolve

I don't usually aim to set 'new year's resolutions' per se. It is just too easy to shrug it off under the guise that life is about constant improvement and the year does not matter. Be a better person (vague, but doable, right?), the standard weight lose (bleh), do something for myself from time to time (not so easy when you mommy, wife, work and student). We'll see how I do on any of that this year.

If I had to take a stab at Claire's goals, I'd guess never sleep in- ever, life is too short for naps, explore everything in the house, gain total control of the remote, get my own phone, and push every button in the house.

This year will bring many changes. Claire will learn to walk and talk. She will have a first birthday. She will wean. I am incredibly bittersweet about this, but it will be time. She is already becoming too independent to sit still that long and focus. Now, if only she didn't treat sippy cups like weapons. She can pelt them with the best of them!

Will keep you posted and post more pictures soon!

Almost a year! OH MY!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sweet Delinquency-- my posts, that is, Claire is mostly well behaved!

My Baby Gap model


our little family

Daddy, multi-tasking

Such a cute leopard on Halloween!

Oh, blog! How you have been neglected!

The stats on our sweet girl are as follows:

standing with help- check
pulling up on still objects- check
opening and closing doors and drawers- check
crawling at what has to Olympic speeds- check
eating all levels of baby foods- check
starting chewable solids- check
taking a few steps when holding onto a person or furniture- check

Claire probably weighs 19-20 lbs. We will know for sure at her nine month check up soon! She is beginning to outgrow 6-9 month clothes and 12 month clothes are beginning to fit her. Some how, we've made it nursing. It is strange to think of when we started (and I planned to go 3-6 months) and where we are today. It has been my honor to do this for my sweet girl, and as much as I am looking forward to going to Victoria's Secret and buying real bras, it will be an incredibly bittersweet ending.

Because of my blogging delinquency, Claire has passed both Thanksgiving and Christmas without any update. Both were nice and included visits from my mom. Her first Christmas will live in infamy, as Christmas 2009 came with a blizzard, leaving us trapped in our home for several days. In spite of the cabin fever, it was very nice.

Today, Claire had a play date with Luke Kern, two year old son of my long time friend Amie. The "experts" say babies and young kids do not play together, but instead, side by side. I beg to differ! Claire and Luke had a great time playing together. They chased and laughed. Claire tackled Luke and giggled gleefully. This is great practice for Luke, who will become a big brother this spring.

Believe it or not, Claire's first birthday is less than 3 months away! Looks like will will have a family and close friends celebration at the house on Saturday, April 3, 2010. I am thinking about a cupcake them. Not real reason aside from me thinking cupcakes are cute! I am also having a sweet little outfit made for her. It will be exciting!

As I must be certifiable, I will be returning to UCO on Monday to pursue my Guidance and Counseling M.Ed. I will be working on it around Claire's schedule (to the best of my ability) because I do not want to miss a thing! I will only take 1 class during fall and spring semesters and I will take 2 over the summers. My graduation will be spring 2012. When I search my heart, I know this is something I need to do for me, but mostly for the betterment of my family and our futures. Michael will finish his M.Ed in Adult Education next winter.

I am down 30 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight! I am very excited about this and eager to slim down further. I had no idea how big I'd let myself become and now I am determined to ensure that I am NEVER that big again. When the weather was nicer, Claire and I walked 2 miles everyday. I'd kill to do that again, but the weather does not permit. I am looking into alternative exercise options, but nothing is in place yet. I considered the Wii Fit, but HOLY COW! It is $100! $100 I do not have since I am paying for my kid and my college on a teacher's salary. We'll see.

There is a chance I will soon have fancy new teeth! My teeth are not awful, however, they are chipped and have shifted, leaving gaps. They make me self conscious and I hope my insurance will pick up most, if not all of the tab. C'mon Health Choice, don't let me down! My dentist said I was a good candidate for porcelain veneers. I was elated, as I'd only expected a couple of caps and a retainer.

New adventures are afoot and good things abound. Will keep you posted.
