Overdue (for a new blog, silly! I still have 4 weeks until my due date!)
Okay, I know, I have been awful about posting as I get closer. I have been blessed with a shower from my immensely generous church family. The picture above is members of our family gathered at this occasion. Left to right: Auntie (my Aunt Sandy), Lane (my mother in law), my husband, me at 34 weeks, and Great Grandma Nicholson.
I received so many lovely things that highlights were difficult to select, but needed to show the picture above for sure. The logo monogrammed on the bib and onesie are the logo for the Disciples of Christ church! How fun and sweet.
This is somewhat of a 34 week profile / candid shot with my lovely Auntie.
The lovely lady to my left is our dear friend Jeanette. She is really more of an aunt and is serving as my scribe.
I was also blessed with a lovely gathering at work. Here is your photo recap:
This lovely quilt was handmade by Andrea Keefer. I knew she had many talents, but this amazing work caught me off guard! So lovely! Such fun colors and patterns!
Thank you to my colleagues, especially my hostesses!
Meanwhile, I am 36 weeks tomorrow. The doctor reports that I am right on target. My blood pressure is normal and I am not experiencing any complications. What a relief and blessing. She probably weighs about 6 pounds now, her heart rate is in normal range and she measures right. I have not gained any weight that can't be attributed to baby and baby related excesses! Yay for me!
Today is my fourth wedding anniversary. Michael and I had a nice evening out. We went to Cattleman's Steakhouse for some prime cuts. Michael was so happy he was singing all the way there. He bought me a season of How I Met Your Mother to watch when I am up feeding Claire.
I will try not to be so slow in the future. Watch, in future blogs, for pictures with dear friends and mom that I will see this weekend and pics of the finalized nursery. It is about 95% done right now.
Thanks for hanging in there with me!
ps- Happy Kacy?! ; )
We went to Steak Night.
We did eat it right.
It is our favorite treat.
It is the world's best meat.
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